Friday, April 22, 2011

April 21 - A note to my readership RE blogging from China

Why all these posts in one day?

It seems that big brother is preventing me from updating my blog and from using facebook.  However, my emails (so far) are getting through.

I wrote Jon for help.  Not being an avid blogger, he grumbled at first, but seems to have gotten control of himself and is now posting like an old hand.  Thanks Jon ;)

I’m in a town called Baling north of Beijing at the worlds largest all solar hotel. Just finished up dinner and am on the way to bed.  The second half of the herb tour starts in the AM.


Sandra Adelizi said...

I am so glad you are up and blogging. I thought you got lost or put on the black market. Everything seems fine here.

Charlotte said...

It's so very, very good to finally see pictures of you! Nice to know you are safe and having a grand time! We're living vicariously through you. Char