Friday, April 22, 2011

April 15 - I Made it!

Well…..I’m sitting in the lounge of the hutong Inn sipping a complimentary beer and eating figs from Sam’s deli (Fresno). It is 10:30 pm and it has been a long day!!! Lucky for me many signs are in both English and Chinese. 

My Taxi driver didn’t speak English and had trouble finding the hotel.  After a couple of calls he suddenly stopped in front of a narrow and dark alley and said “you go” and pointed.
I wasn’t sure if he knew where he was or if he was just dumping me some place. So I just started walking!

After passing some alleys and tiny store fronts I found a coffee bar with a bunch of college kids and I showed them my printout and they pointed me up another alley. Then I was there….. it is a funky hotel/hostel with an international crowd of all ages hanging out.   

April 16 - This is what my place looks like in the day light. Notice the wacky bike sculpture items in the front.

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